Episode 75 – Break the Bonds of Anxiety By Connecting to Your Body with Christine Samuel

Is your body under a high degree of stress and you don’t even realize it? Christine Samuel lived her life fearful of making mistakes about everything. Her body was constantly filled with tension and she developed an autoimmune condition. But then something changed and now she lives life from a place of self-acceptance instead of constant self-criticism. Christine shares how she turned her life around and how you can too!


Christine helps high achievers overcome self-doubt and self-made rules that cause fear, stress and frustration so that they can transform to a whole new way of being; connect with their innate wisdom; love, serve, live with clarity and peace of mind.

She does this through coaching, offering online courses and in-person workshops.  She uses a combination of inside-out understanding, breath work, mindfulness, Eastern medicine based self-care techniques, and neuroscience.

She lives in Toronto with her husband and 2 young kids. In her spare time, she takes East Indian classical dance training.

Contact information

Christine’s website 

