Episode # 29 – From Meltdown to Mindfulness: A Soldier’s Journey from Pain to Peace


“Yoga and mindfulness are not just for hippie millennials.”

U.S. Army Veteran, Ben King, found this out firsthand, as he battled PTSD, and it has changed the course of his life.  For years he searched outside himself in masculine pursuits and accomplishments to find relief from his feelings of fear, self-doubt and worthlessness, only to find temporary respite, and when these feelings returned, they came back with a vengeance.  Now Ben promotes mindfulness to bridge the divide between the civilian and warrior communities with “Mindful Moments of Gratitude” and to help returning veterans successfully navigate civilian life.


Ben King is a teacher,  public speaker,  U.S. Army veteran, and community organizer. When he returned from deployment to Iraq in 2007 he struggled to adjust to civilian life. Developing a yoga and mindfulness practice helped him and he now practices mindfulness personally and professionally.

In 2011, he founded Armor Down LLC to help veterans learn to thrive as civilians.  In 2014 he started the tradition of  Mindful Memorial Day at Arlington Cemetery to bridge the gap between veterans and civilians and to help visitors mindfully honor the sacrifice of the fallen. And every year he leads hundreds of students in honor visits through Arlington to honor fallen warriors with mindful moments of gratitude.

Ben earned his master’s degree in Public Anthropology and separated from the military as an Army Sergeant and Psychological Operations Specialist.


Armor Down


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