213_My Plan B: Living in South Korea with Autumn Green


What do you do when your plans for life after college get placed on hold indefinitely because of a once-in-a-century pandemic?  Autumn Green decided to explore a new country and culture and teach English in a small town in South Korea.  Autumn shares her experience and the fears she has faced and how she works through them.


Autumn Green is a Native English Teacher under EPIK. She helps students learn and understand the American culture and language so that they can open more doors in their future. Autumn was born and raised in Missouri.  She got the urge to move abroad at the age of 22, right after graduating college.  Since then she has lived in South Korea, she is quickly adapting and immersing herself in the culture and learning the language.  Through it all she has learned keeping an open mind and expecting the unexpected is the key to enjoying your time while living in a foreign country.  She can’t wait to share her insights with you.

