195 Moving Abroad gave Me More Time to be Me with Kenna L. Williams

It takes courage to leave a stable career and move across the world, but that’s exactly what Kenna Williams did in 2019.  Now a resident of South Africa she is enjoying a higher quality of life.  Kenna shares how she did it, why she did it, and what it has been like living there. She even discusses her experience surviving COVID-19 in a South African hospital.


Kenna Williams is a former aerospace engineer who helps individuals to travel and see the world so that they can experience new cultures.
She was born and raised in Memphis, TN.  She got the urge to move abroad in her late 30s.  Kenna is currently living in South Africa and is currently learning Zulu.  Through it all she has learned to keep an open and positive mind living overseas.

Contact Kenna Williams

Kenna Williams,  President of Kenna L Williams, LLC (travel consulting and planning company)

Social media IG: @JustMeKenna @BookDatIsht


