145_Do Not Leave this Earth Thinking ‘I should have’ with Bernadette Bisseling

Have you or are  you considering traveling or perhaps moving abroad?  With the COVID-19 pandemic you might feel a bit frustrated or even that these dreams are no longer an option for you.  Certainly, Coronavirus changes things; however, it is important to recognize that this pandemic and the challenges it poses to traveling and moving abroad are only temporary.  If this is your dream, it absolutely makes sense to start thinking and planning ahead now.

What you are about to hear is my new series called Roadmap to Adventure, that is intended to help you do just that.

Bernadette Bisseling moved abroad before there was the Internet or the European Union to make things easier.  In this episode, she shares the ups and downs and what she’s learned about herself, about life, and about living abroad.


Today’s guest is Bernadette Bisseling.  She is a transformational speaker, corporate trainer, and coach who specialises in helping women discover and unlock their inner power and potential in order to live a life full of energy, abundance and joy.

Bernadette was born and raised in France.  She got the urge to move abroad at the age of 22.  Since then she has lived in six countries and learned three languages.  Through it all she has learned to adapt and feel at home anywhere she is and can’t wait to share her insights with you.

Contact Bernadette


