124 Look to the Root of Your Pain and Find Your Purpose with Shanita Rowsey

Are you looking outside of yourself for validation and direction in life?  Shanita Rowsey made this misstep; however, when she looked at the root of her pain and dealt with that, she found her purpose.  She shares her wisdom on finding purpose and on navigating fear and anxiety during the COVID-19 Pandemic.


Shanita Rowsey is an author, editor in chief of Opulent Era Magazine, founder of The Power of You Movement and woman of God. An encourager and motivator by nature, she serves her community through a variety of ministries and community outreach programs, and is particularly invested in helping young girls know their worth, know who they are in God, and grow into confident, successful women. Shanita is currently earning her associate degree in business management.

Contact Info

Shanita’s website –www.shanitarowsey.com

Shanita on social media – @authorshanitarowsey

