Episode 64 – Come Home to Yourself. You Are Enough! with Silje Kristine Haugen

Have you ever gotten so tired from being someone you were not because it was who you thought others wanted you to be that it caused you to be stressed, conflicted, or burned out?  Did that crisis cause you to look for another way to live your life and find the solution to your inner conflict?

Silje Kriste Haugen, former naval officer turned coach for highly sensitive people,  lost her way.  Through the process of deep inner work, she found her way back home to herself. She shares her story and how we can move through the fear that we are not enough so we, too, can come back to self.


Bio -Silje Kristine Haugen

Through all her work with her self and others, Silje has realised that the main issue we all struggle with, is the lack of love for ourselves. The fear that we are not lovable or good enough, just as we are, prevents us from living our lives fully, in joy and gratitude and from releasing our full potential.

Silje is on a mission to transform the way we see ourselves, to awaken the love and compassion that we need, trying to navigate this crazy thing called life. Self-love and self-care are the fundaments from where we can to rise and shine as the amazing souls we are.

From her beautiful countryside home outside Trondheim (Norway) she helps Highly sensitive people from all of Scandinavia, to reconnect to their gifts and talents and finding true love for themselves.

Contact Silje – Facebook
